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Welcome to EURAXESS in Türkiye



Welcome to EURAXESS in Türkiye


EURAXESS is a platform for researchers, entrepreneurs, universities and businesses to interact with each other and a joint initiative of the European Commission with the 40 countries participating in the European Union's Horizon Europe Programme as the key funding programme for Research and Innovation. Türkiye is one of them.

We provide information and assistance to researchers via this portal and with the support of our national EURAXESS Centres. The Service Centres in TÜRKİYE help researchers and their family to plan and organize their move to TÜRKİYE, and assist with all matters related to mobility.

Researchers coming to TÜRKİYE can use this portal to get practical information concerning professional and daily life, as well as information on research jobs and funding opportunities in TÜRKİYE.

Researchers leaving TÜRKİYE can use this portal to get information about funding opportunities in TÜRKİYE and can also check their destination countries’ EURAXESS portals to get information about their opportunities.

Based at “The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye - TÜBİTAK” with Service Centers in Ankara, İstanbul and İzmir, EURAXESS TÜRKİYE provides free of charge services to all researchers.

Türkiye Home of Two Continents

Whether you are an art and history buff, an archaeology nut or a nature lover, enjoy browsing through markets or going diving, the different regions of Türkiye offer endless possibilities all year round. Each area has its own personality, history, landscape and even cuisine. Please click the buttons below to see the cultural life in Türkiye, to find an accomodation for yourself and then to find a research job or funding if you wish to stay more.

Access to the Culture



EURAXESS Research Landscape - ©, Shutterstock, 2016

Turkish Research Area

Launched in 2004, one of the subsequent triggers in Türkiye is the conceptualization of the Turkish Research Area (TARAL). TARAL set into motion a mobilization with which the business enterprise and public sectors, together with NGOs, strategically focus and collaborate on R&D and innovation. You can follow the advancement via the boxes below.

Turkish Research Area

International Bilateral Cooperations

text FUNDING on a wooden background

TUBITAK Supports

Türkiye is welcoming researchers by using various national TUBITAK and European Framework funding opportunities. You can reach TUBITAK supports for Framework Programmes from here.





News & Events

The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) as the National coordinator of EURAXESS portal in Türkiye, is (co)-organizing many events in Türkiye and abroad for the researchers. To see the details, please check Turkish EURAXESS portal and Horizon Europe Portal via here.